Determining Why a Room is so Warm, and How to Fix It 

During the hot summer months, it is very common that certain rooms within your home may be warmer than others. No matter how many fans are in the room, whether you have a window open to try and feel an outside breeze, you may find that nothing is working. Here are some tips on how you can make any room within your home cooler during the summer heat:

  1. Check for closed HVAC vents. First and foremost, you want to ensure that your vents are not closed. If you find that they are closed, it may be the cause of why your room is staying so warm, as the air cannot flow properly. Also ensure that nothing is blocking the vents, as well.
  2. Check your HVAC performance. Next, make sure that the HVAC is in good shape and is working properly within your space. If you find that the cooling system is running constantly but you are not feeling any cool air, you may need to look into installing a new unit.
  3. Consider purchasing shades. Even if you have a cooling system running, if there are large windows in the room and the shades are up, on a hot summer day the heat from the sunlight will absolutely have an effect on the warmth of your room. Consider installing shades or heavy curtains to block the sun and keep the cool air in.