No matter your style, your living room should be a place for the entire family to gather in comfort and relaxation. The good news is there is no need to give up style and décor preferences to create a family-friendly living room. We’ve come up with a few ideas to keep in mind as you decorate your living room, allowing you to keep it functional, fun, and beautiful.

Invest Where It Counts

When adding pieces to the living room, we can get away with an inexpensive bean bag chair for the kids, which is easily replaced. However, the main pieces, such as a couch or coffee table, need to be able to stand the test of time and the tumblings toddlers.

As such, it’s worth investing in high-quality furniture that can handle your family at every stage.

Make It Comfortable

It goes without saying that the living room is made for living, so make sure it is designed with comfort in mind.

You may need an overstuffed chair with the perfect reading lamp nearby for kicking back after work, and your teenager will likely need a couch in which he can show off his running and jumping skills as he plops down after school.

Choose furniture that suits everyone’s needs yet is still soft, overstuffed, and easy to clean. Wipeable surfaces like vinyl and leather are great for repelling spills and pet hair.

Think Happy Thoughts

Make the living room your happy place. There’s no need for formality in the room specifically designed for living.

Choose cheery colors that make everyone smile and beckon guests to come stay a while. A neutral backdrop on the walls works well with bold-colored furniture, or choose all soft pastels if that is what makes you smile and forget the cares of the world.

Throw in fun additions like a patterned rug or an ottoman that can be used for sitting or putting your feet up.

Keep Fun Times Within Reach

Encourage game nights as a family with a trunk near the couch that doubles as both a table and game storage. Baskets in every corner full of drawing supplies, puzzles, and books create a living space that isn’t just sat in but truly lived in.

A Soft Place To Land

Kids like to sit on the floor when pushing cars, building with blocks, or playing games. When choosing wood or vinyl flooring, don’t forget to add plenty of rug space where little ones and teenagers alike can take a seat. Bean bags also make great extra seats and can be easily shoved in a corner when not in use.

Enjoy using these tips for creating a family-friendly living room, and you will easily design a space that functions and reflects your style.