One thing that most 4-season rooms have in common is an abundance of windows. It’s why we love these rooms—and it’s also why you may need to take some extra steps to add warmth and comfort while hanging out there. We’ve got some tips for making your 4-season room feel cozy so that you can grab your favorite book, curl up, and watch the sunset right from the comfort of your home.
Add Plants
With all the beautiful windows in a 4-season room, plants thrive there, even for people without the greenest thumbs. Potted plants and hanging plants will instantly add a fresh and cozy feel to the room. For a bit of privacy without full window coverings, hanging plants do the trick, and they’ll enjoy basking in the sunshine.
Perfect the Climate
Even if the rest of the house has a ducted HVAC system, your 4-season room may feel uncomfortable on days with extreme temperatures. This is because 4-season rooms are often additions that don’t have ductwork. Keep the room comfortable with a ductless system with the ability to regulate one specific room. If you run ductwork into the room, the space still may not get to a comfortable temperature due to the nature of a 4-season room. In that case, the addition of a ductless system is helpful in regulating the temperature. With a ductless system, you’ll stay warm as you watch the snow fall through the room’s windows and cool as summer’s rays stream in.
Include Comfortable Seating
One of the best ways to make your 4-season room feel cozy is to provide comfortable seating. Overstuffed couches and chairs that beckon to be plopped into are the best choice to make the room welcoming. Don’t forget throws and plenty of pillows to allow everyone to create their perfect spots.
Add Some Texture
Using a variety of texture in a room cozies it up. Imagine if a room had only hard surfaces, and you’ll understand the importance of texture. If you have wood or ceramic tile floors, add a large, colorful rug. A mix of pillows and blankets in different textures (fuzzy, smooth, or crocheted) makes the room interesting. Artwork that pops adds texture as well.
Put In a Reading Nook
Nothing says “cozy” on a rainy day like a good book and a comfy chair. A small table or shelf with a few great books—along with some fun coffee table books—will also naturally draw guests and yourself into the 4-season room.
Investing in a 4-season room is always a good thing. The added space, which is often created simply just to be in, is the perfect solution to our hectic lives.