We may be saying goodbye to winter and snow storms, but spring can often bring another set of weather-related challenges to your home. If your home is without an adequate gutter system, this year’s April Showers can cost you a whole lot in water damage. LeafFilter’s Gutter Protection System can save your home from the disastrous effects of soil erosion and water damage, which would cost you thousands in repair.
The LeafFilter Gutter Protection System features a mesh guard, which prevents all objects, besides water, from passing through your gutter. Since the LeafFilter system only allows water to flow into your gutter, it prevents your gutters from bowing or buckling under the weight of debris, such as leaves and dirt. As a result, when you install a LeafFilter Gutter Protection System, you’ll never be faced with the task of climbing a ladder and cleaning your gutter.
The LeafFilter Gutter Protection System has four main features that allow it to protect your gutter and keep your home free from foundation and water impairments. The mirco mesh filter is made of medical-grade stainless steel that will not rust, corrode, or become home to any organic growths. The micromesh filter is so effective, that not even a grain of sand can pass through it into your gutter. Furthermore, the filter is braced by a patented Unplasticized Poly Vinyl Chloride support system, which is reinforced by sturdy aluminum brackets, that won’t fade, soften, or be affected by temperature change. Finally, the subtle front-drip of the LeafFilter will help keep your gutter clean while the center i-beam provides unparalleled strength to support heavy loads.
Install the LeafFilter Gutter Protection System this spring and you’ll be prepared for whatever Mother Nature has in store!