Becoming a new driver is one of the most exciting and monumental moments of someone’s life. When you are officially able to drive, you are starting a new chapter and embarking on a new journey of adventures with a sense of freedom.
While getting your driver’s license is extremely exciting, it also comes with a great amount of responsibility and is something that you should not take lightly. When you get in the driver’s seat, your actions not only affect you, but everyone else that is driving on the road as well.
If you recently got your driver’s license or you are preparing to, check out some tips that you should keep in mind to be the best new driver you can be.
Make necessary adjustments.
When you first get into your car, it is vital that you make all the necessary adjustments that you have to so that you are driving as safely as possible. This includes adjusting your steering wheel so you are able to reach it properly, adjusting your mirrors so you can see all angles of the road, and adjusting your seat forward or backwards, as well as adjusting the height and recline of the seat. Making these adjustments in your car is key so that you are comfortable on the road and can have an eye on everything that is around you as you are driving
Always wear your seatbelt.
It may go without saying, but before you put your car into Drive mode, make sure that your seatbelt is on. If you are driving with passengers, remember to check to see if their seatbelts are on as well. Wearing your seatbelt is non-negotiable and protects you and everyone else in the car in case of an accident. Seatbelts save lives!
Ensure you avoid distractions.
Next, make sure that there are no distractions when you are driving. It is important to always avoid distractions when you are on the road, but especially as a beginner driver since you are still learning the ropes of driving. This means making sure that you are not texting, making any phone calls, eating, looking down at the radio, or turning around to talk to any of your passengers. Always keep your eyes directly in front of you on the road. And remember – it only takes a few seconds for an accident to occur, so the more focused you are, the less likely it is that you will be involved in one.
Follow cars at a reasonable distance.
When you are driving on the road, make an effort to not drive too close to the car in front of you in case they brake last minute. It is always important to drive with a “cushion” in front of your car, which is generally another car length. By following cars at a reasonable distance, you are taking precautions to avoid rear-ending another vehicle, which can escalate into a larger accident, higher insurance, and expensive repairs needed for your car!
Make full stops.
When approaching a stop sign, be sure to make a full stop each time, while looking both ways to make sure that another car is not coming in either direction. Many beginner drivers use the “S.T.O.P.” method, spelling out each letter slowly at a stop sign to ensure they have stopped for the appropriate amount of time.
Do not overthink it.
Driving can be scary in the beginning, especially if you are driving in an unfamiliar area or if it is your first time driving on the highway. Remember to not overthink it and to stay as calm and relaxed as possible when on the road.