Another year has passed, and it’s time to open the lake house for a season of fun and memories. These tips for preparing your lake house for summer will help you remember anything you might forget as you set up your home for the season. Read on and prepare for another unforgettable summer on the lake!

Turn On Your Services

If you’ve shut off your internet, water, or trash service for the season, it’s time to restart your service. Take time to call your utility companies before heading out to the house to get everything back up and running. That said, it’s important to check your pipes for any damage before you turn your water back on.

Check Safety Features

Check up on your home’s safety features to ensure a safe season on the lake. Start by replacing the old batteries in smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors with fresh ones. You might also switch out your furnace filters to avoid any issues.

Inspect Your House for Damage

Part of the trouble of having an off-season is that things can get damaged without you noticing. Inspecting your home for damage is one of the most crucial tips for preparing your lake house for summer. Look for signs of water damage, rot, and physical damage to your deck and eaves as you check up on your home. Be prepared for any repairs you have coming your way before the season goes into full swing.

Install Your Dock

One of the most desirable aspects of a lake house is its dock, which provides you and your loved ones with instant access to the water. You can get many different docks, but do you know which dock system is right for you? Get the right dock for your property, and you’ll have another unforgettable year. Install or update your dock before the season starts to give your boats and swimmers a comfortable place to rest.

Clean Out Your Pantry and Fridge

If you left anything behind in the pantry or fridge last season, check to see what’s still good. Always throw out any expired or damaged food. Once you know what you have on hand, make a list of things you need and head to the store to stock up on this season’s supplies. Don’t forget to get some sunscreen and bug spray while shopping!

Trim Neglected Landscaping

In the off-season, it’s perfectly normal for your landscaping to get out of control. Consider trimming shrubs and trees back from paths and walkways to get your property looking its best again. Pull any weeds that might have grown while you were away as well.

Check Your Boating Registration

Finally, if you own a boat, it’s vital that you keep your registration up to date. Register your boat if you haven’t already so that you can cruise on the water safely this season. Don’t risk going out on the water with an out-of-date registration and ruining your summer experience.