Throw pillows might be small in appearance, but the impact they can have on any living space is pretty huge. For instance, they make a comfy and stylish addition to a bedroom. Laying throw pillows across beds is a great way to transform a simple piece of furniture into a gorgeous display of décor. These tips for using throw pillows in the bedroom will help you avoid making simple mistakes while sprucing up your living space.
Always Consider Layering
Your ability to layer throw pillows relies on how much space you have available. If you only have room for a throw pillow or two, don’t feel as though you’re wasting your time. A little goes a long way. If you can layer throws on your bed, doing so will provide an extra touch of warmth and visual depth to the area.
On the other hand, don’t go overboard with layers. Typically, you won’t need seven or eight pillows on top of each other. If you have enough space, take five throw pillows of different sizes and create three layers with them. Two rows of two and a third layer with one smaller pillow can visually unify the space in an attractive way.
Size Matters
We briefly touched on the size of throw pillow above, and it’s essential to understand this isn’t a throwaway comment. The size of the throws you buy plays a crucial role in how well they tie into the design of not only the bed but the entire room. Your pillow layers might look like more of a jumble if you don’t get creative with their size.
Placing smaller pillows against larger ones of different colors is a great way to make each one stand out instead of blending in together. Take the time to learn the basics of throw pillow sizing so you can provide your bedroom with the perfect display of color and comfort.
Stick To a Theme
One of the most vital tips for using throw pillows in the bedroom is never losing sight of your theme. Throw pillows have many different colors and fabrics available. Most of them are delightful, but that doesn’t mean you should choose any random one. Instead, look at your bedroom and assess your current design choices, such as the color scheme.
Make sure to incorporate the pillows into your bedroom in a way that feels natural but still ensures they stand out. It might sound like a tricky balance to achieve, but if you take the time to plan out what kind of throw pillow your room needs it can be both simple and rewarding.