When the snow melts and the ground thaws after a long New England winter, the aroma of new life is palpable; higher temperatures and fresh blooms give the outdoors a new look. You can do the same with the inside of your home. Here is the ultimate guide to spring cleaning.

Clean Your Kitchen

The kitchen is a place where you microwave frozen dinners and spend hours cooking gourmet meals. Regardless of how you utilize your kitchen, dirt, grease, and stains can quickly take over. Start with your counter space and wipe down every surface you see. You may need strong cleaning supplies to eliminate tough stains and scuffs. You can then move on to your appliances and clean out your refrigerator, oven, microwave, and sink. A clean kitchen will keep you safe from bacteria.

Tackle Your Closet

The closet can quickly turn from a fun place to visualize your outfits to a catch-all for your piles of random stuff. The first thing you’ll want to do is take out all of your winter clothes. Lay them down on your bed or floor to fold and pack away. Then, take down your boxes full of warmer spring and summer clothes. As you unpack your clothes for the new season, trade hangers and spots for each item until you have a bin full of winter gear and a closet ready for spring. If you need help putting the rest of your wardrobe together, a closet cleanout guide can help.

Scrub Your Bathroom

No one likes to talk about bathroom cleaning duties, but let’s be honest—the grout between your tiles and that hard-to-reach spot on your toilet seat are really gross. It’s time to set the record straight. Grab some cleaning supplies and a toothbrush and scrub your bathroom from floor to ceiling. If you have a tub, be sure to clean off soap scum and dirt residue. If you encounter stubborn grime, allow cleaning chemicals to sit for several hours. With time and elbow grease, your bathroom will look cleaner than it ever has.

Use the ultimate guide to spring cleaning as you restart this spring. With a little hard work at the beginning, you can enjoy a clean and organized home for months to come.