Do you have a room in your house that doesn’t seem all that homey? Sometimes, due to position, placement, or simple neglect, a room lacks grace and beauty. We believe there are no bad rooms—just bad planning. With a few upgrades, any room (no matter how grim) can look as pretty as a picture or a magazine cover. Here’s our guide to turning dreary rooms in your house into charming ones.
Bring in Lots of Light
The biggest cause of dreariness indoors is a lack of light, and the biggest reason for a lack of light is a lack of windows. Windowless, unfinished spaces, like basements and attics, are particularly affected by the sun’s inability to deliver its cheerful and cleansing rays. But there are workarounds. Floor lamps, when placed in each corner, nicely spread a layer of happy light everywhere. Mirrors help reflect that light while giving an illusion of greater space. Sconces and candle holders also add old-world charm while casting a soft glow across the room.
Add a New Coat of Paint
A touch of paint can do wonders, but a full paint job can do even more than that! Naturally, when repainting, go bright or at least calming regarding your palette. Institutional colors lead only to feeling trapped, so skip the beige and whites. Yellow is a classic choice for raising the morale of a room’s hue, as it’s associated with sunlight, morning, optimism, and glee. A more restful but no less zestful color is blue, which makes one think of the sky. Any room decked out in blue is a room of sky-high opportunities. And these colors all create a canvas for future redecoration.
Get Artsy
Turning dreary rooms in your house into charming ones is easier and cheaper than you might think. For example, bare walls are boring walls. Shop for eye-catching pieces that coordinate with the paint job to make the room seem larger and more vibrant. Naturally, choose art that says something about your personality, but keep images that put across the idea of safety, security, comfort, fuzziness, and new possibilities. Sometimes, an abstract but spirited color design can enliven a place while inspiring viewers. Photographs of family and friends can also put the heart back in a room that lacks personality.
Go Back to the Future
Is your dreary, drab, and dated room living in the past? Activate the time machine and decide if some of the elements in the room—furniture, rugs, lamps, shelving, and so forth—are showing their age. Everything was new at one time, but time waits for no one, leaving boring old styles in the past where they belong. Look for contemporary pieces and designs that welcome the room to a new life in the 21st century. You don’t have to go sleek and modernist, either. Pick newer pieces that still have the shine and energy of youth, and watch the room’s personality change overnight!