How To Create a Guest-Ready Home

How To Create a Guest-Ready Home

As the weather begins to get colder, we begin to draw closer to the time of year of house guests. With fall fests, Thanksgiving feasts, Christmas celebrations, and New Year’s parties, now is the time to start getting the house ready for company. This goes beyond...
Tips for Planning a Home Remodel

Tips for Planning a Home Remodel

If you’re going to remodel your home, you want to be sure to set a plan in place first. You should plan things such as your budget, color schemes, and flooring all ahead of time. This will allow you to avoid any last-minute arrangements that may result in overspending...

California Closet

Most people have a lot of “stuff” and, no matter how old or out of style that “stuff” is, they often have trouble parting with it. For this reason, having ample closet space can significantly elevate the value and functionality of your home. California Closet creates...