We hear about minimalism a lot today: it’s no surprise since we are busier than ever. Many are choosing to slow down a bit and declutter not only their homes but their entire lives. In this article, we’ll focus on the home since that’s where minimalism begins. Let’s look at a few tips for achieving a minimalist home design and start the process of simplifying our lives.

What Is Minimalism?

Many people see minimalism as the pathway to freedom from too much stuff, unnecessary obligations, and cluttered minds. Minimalizing our life lets us enjoy what truly matters to us. Ridding ourselves of unnecessary clutter allows for greater creativity and the freedom to explore what we’ve always wanted to, but our overfilled lives bogged us down too much to try. Sounds impossible, right? It’s not, and minimalizing your home is available when you’re ready.


To minimalize your home, you must get rid of stuff. Choose one room a day, a week, or a month—whatever works for you—and go through it thoroughly. This isn’t basic decluttering. It’s looking at every single object and deciding its value. It’s okay to hold onto keepsakes if they have significance in your life. If it doesn’t add value, toss or donate it.

Hide What Must Stay

The closer you get to minimalism, the more “needed” clutter will bother you. We’re talking things like cables from the television or that garden hose that constantly unravels outside. Get creative and find simple ways to store or hide those things that have to stay but tend to look cluttered.

Personal Space

Minimalism shouldn’t feel cold, but sometimes, after ridding our homes of the surroundings we’re used to, the spaces may look barren. Don’t confuse minimalism with the idea that you can never decorate your home. Remember, minimalism is about getting your life back on your terms.

Personalize your space so that your house feels like home. Use this time to meditate on that idea, so you can now decorate with something that adds value to your life.

Clever Storage

We can’t get rid of everything, so instead, get creative with storage. Many pieces of furniture double as another use, which helps minimalize our need for more stuff in a room. Trunks as coffee tables, ottomans that open, beds that fold into a wall, and baskets on pantry shelves aid in organization, just to name a few.

Quality vs. Quantity

After clearing everything out, it’s time to invest in quality pieces in your home that do their job well, rather than many cheap things that constantly need replacing. Investing in quality furniture, storage containers, kitchen gadgets, and whatever else you need keeps life simple in the long run.

So, you can achieve minimalism over a weekend or many years; it’s up to you. If your heart says, “It’s time,” then you should experiment with minimalism. Try our tips for achieving a minimalist home design and see where it takes you. There’s a good chance it will allow you the freedom to live your perfect life.